Change Proposal Procedure
Maker Space members are welcome to make and suggest changes in the space. This procedure defines the decision making process depending on the cost, impact and ability to undo the change.
It's always best to discuss changes with other members beforehand.
Small Changes
No formal approval is required if a change:
- has no cost,
- can be undone within about 10 minutes,
- is unlikely to upset anyone.
Purchases of up to £50 may be authorised by an individual director without needing to get agreement from others.
Purchases of more than £50 require a board agreement. The board agreement does not need to be a regular monthly meeting, but can happen in person, verbally or in any other communication as long as a board quorum is reached so this shouldn't hold up anything that needs doing.
There will also be an approved list of things such as toilet rolls and tea bags which will not need board approval.
Proposals for larger changes
Any Member can propose something on the Maker Space Members mailing list.
If there are less than three objections within 1 week, the proposal will pass.
If there are three objections or more, it will go to a board meeting to be decided.
Any member can submit items to the agenda of a board meeting for the board members to consider.
The board may veto any decision for the good of the space.